Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Please do not attempt to enter the law school after hours unless you have a key to the building.

Recently the doors closest to the parking lot were damaged by someone attempting to force them open. There is a risk of criminal charges. Remember that discussion in Criminal Law about breaking and entering a building? Although criminal charges would most likely be dismissed, they would have to be reported and explained on any bar application. Of course, someone has to pay to repair the damages - ultimately that is the students (tuition) and the taxpayers.

Please, please, please do not attempt to force the doors open. Only those students who have a key to the building should be in the building at times the building is closed. If you need to get into the building in an emergency situation, you must contact the security officer in the booth outside of the law school. There is an officer on duty at all times. He/she can be reached at 569-3400.

Think before you act!

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